Fatty people are at risk for heart disease
Doctors warn people with larger waist hips should seek medical advice urgently to cut belly fat.
Belly fat is harmful to your heart - even for thin people. People with larger waistlines should see a doctor immediately, the researchers said.
Researchers have spent 15 years tracking 1,692 American people aged 45 and older in Olmsted, Minnesota. Research author Dr. Jose Medina-Inojosa said it is important not to persuade patients with normal BMI to not be at risk for heart attack or stroke.
He added: "See a doctor if your waist is bigger than your hips. People with normal weight but fat belly are more likely to develop heart disease than those without a big belly.
“Body shape shows a sedentary lifestyle, low muscle mass and too much refined carbohydrates. The goal is to reduce waist circumference rather than lose weight.
“Exercise more, reduce sedentary time by going upstairs and walking, increasing your muscle mass by exercising a lot of strength, resistance, and cutting down on food. contains refined carbohydrates. ”
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