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The young mother left her home to sell tomatoes and the unexpected ending made the web laugh

Recently, there was a bad situation that it was difficult to laugh about a boy who left home to start a business with a basket of tomatoes that made netizens constantly laugh hard. Going to school, he was scolded by his mother: "I can't feed anymore, so go" ... "

According to the owner who posted the information online, the boy went to school to talk in the classroom and was chased out by her (quite a few times). And so he left it, his baggage when he left this young man with the two most beautiful clothes and a small basket of tomatoes to go "start up".

And this is the detailed content that the owner has posted on the Social Network about young people who are just starting out with a basket of tomatoes.

"Any grandchildren like my grandchildren.

In the morning, when I went to school to talk privately in the class, the teacher chased me out of the class (she was expelled quite a few times because she said too many influences on her friends). I can't feed her anymore, so I won't go anywhere. ”So he didn't say that he went up the books in his backpack, put the two best clothes on. Then go down and let the deep banana sprinkle in the kitchen into the iron basin. What does his mother not understand ask him to do something? He said he now sells bananas.

After she finished, she told me that each fruit was sold to anyone, bananas were broken by anyone who bought it, so she thought for a while, she had a basket of tomatoes that my mother had just bought.

After seeing his mother's eyes, he could not see the eyes of the young man running after him. He saw that he was sitting in front of the police gate of the first district selling tomatoes. Looking very thoughtful, did anyone ever ask her to sell tomatoes and just nodded. No solicitation, ask how much, then tell 500 children a fruit she laughs and laughs. Her mother hid behind the electric pole for half an hour to sit and then called the police officers to go out and manipulate all kinds of things to apologize to go back. The happy ending is that the whole family is so funny, it was a dodgy guy on that day.

The content of the story of starting a business with a basket of tomatoes by a young boy who left with 2 sets of clothes

After the sharing of "owner" posted on the social media, there were a lot of humorous comments from the online community. "My grandchildren told him to" learn how to go back to school to learn how to go to school and learn to go to school, "he asked his three children to buy cows and give him a blanket to go to school. must choose to sit at the gate of the police station in the district who dares to come and kidnap ", he is sitting thinking about the prospect of selling all the tomatoes and becoming rich and then he returns ... and his parents have to repent Hate for chasing him out of the house ... unfortunately life is not like a dream. It was sold, but the police drove it. ”

It was this humorous act of the boy who made the sound of excited laughter on the weekends. However, fathers and mothers should also discourage their children so that they do not have these bad and funny things. Because kidnapping is happening a lot now and each of us cannot predict what will happen if my child automatically leaves home.

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Jillur Rahman

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