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The secret to feeling happy

Scientists believe that daily use of the internet improves social life and saves time.

Scientists have stated that the secret of happiness is to use the Internet every day. Going online saves you time, connects with friends faster and provides access to a wealth of information to help you make better decisions.

These are the findings of scientists from Norway, who also found that using the internet helps people overcome a middle-aged crisis faster.

However, this study has been criticized by some who believe that the internet can also have many negative effects. They claim that it's important not that you spend a lot of time online, but what you do when you're online to help you feel happy.

Dr. Fulvio Castellacci and Henrik Schwabe, of the Center for Initiatives and Technology Culture at the University of Oslo, observed more than 100,000 Europeans in their research. They surveyed more than 100 people in European countries compared to data on life satisfaction from the Eurobarometer survey.

After eliminating external factors such as income, occupation and geographic location, they directly observe the relationship between the time spent online and one's happiness. Researchers found that in early adulthood, there was no difference in happiness between those who regularly go online and those who rarely use the Internet.

What research has done is based on the age of a person, people who are online are happier.

Traditionally, happiness throughout an adult's life follows a U-shaped curve. In the early twenties, people are optimistic, happy and enjoy themselves but as many years pass, enthusiasm This gradually decreases. The researchers found that the decline in happiness throughout adult life has been slowed by using the internet.

In this study, scientists write: "Internet users have a different happiness model throughout their lifecycle compared to others. Specifically, we find that Internet users experience: (1) the level of stability in the lives of younger people; and (2) recover sooner and stronger after the turning point of the U-shaped shape. ”

With the lower happiness drop, internet users have reached a turning point - the middle-aged crisis - at the age of 48.5. This number is significantly earlier than that of regular users and those who go online, who have low scores at age 50 and 51.9.

The study has given three reasons to explain why this study contradicts the above results. In fact, the Internet can be used to save time, provide clearer information and can also be used to maintain social life.

Dr. Malte Elson, of Ruhr University, Bochum in Germany, is not convinced by the results. "You can have very positive and negative experiences on the internet, and you can use the internet for meaningful but not fun or interesting activities," he told The Times.

What makes people happy?

According to NHS research, studying how to be happy has provided us with five simple ways to get happy.

Stress management with time management techniques can make a significant difference if you feel the amount of work makes you feel overwhelmed. Regular exercise, including breathing exercises, can also help and have a positive change.

Funny aspect
Try to think about the humorous aspects of situations that will help you cope with stress and activities like meeting friends or taking a bath in the tub can improve a long day, as well as avoiding jobs. You feel worse then.

Treat yourself like when dealing with a valuable friend and tell yourself positive things instead of humiliating yourself.

Limit alcohol intake, take a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

Talking about stressful situations where you are with friends, family members can help relieve stress.

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Jillur Rahman

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